The Magic of Melody: Centric on ‘Do Time’ and Future Projects

Centric is a music composer and record producer and has joined forces for the first time with Grenadan singer-songwriter CJae on the new track “Do Time. ” This track fuses Afrobeat and R&B, giving the audiences a chance to see the compatibility between the two artists.

The electronic production is in amazing synergy along with the soulful R&B touch for the song where the additional high pitch catchy hook is perfectly sung by CJae.

“As for inspiration, yes music can come from anywhere but when I get inspiration to create, what I do is I map out basically the architecture of it in my head and then build it from there we had an interview with CJae and he is pretty much so talented when it comes to songwriting, he wrote the record he usually gets where I take the melody emotionally we just have good synergy.

Thus, “Do Time” gives listeners the first sneak peek of the upcoming joint album, *Redlight*, combining Afrobeat and R&B in unique ways. In this interesting interview, I focused in understanding his creativity, his journey in music and what his fans should expect from him in the near future.

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What is your stage name?


Is there a story behind your stage name?

People thought my music was “Eccentric” early in my career, so I just shortened it to “Centric.”

Where do you find inspiration?

I can find inspiration from almost everywhere and anyone. Depends on the moment.

What was your role of music in the early years of your life?

I’ve always produced records with a little engineering at times.

Are you from a musical or artistic family?

Ironically, I’m not.

Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry?

My love for music in general.

What was the first concert you went to, and who performed?

I was 10 years old, and I went to see Prince perform.

How could you describe your music?


Describe your creative process.

It usually starts with a melody in my head; then I proceed to create it and add in the needed components, such as drums..ect ect

Centric out with Do Time,Centric releases Do Time,Centric with Do Time,Centric drops Do Time,Do Time by Centric ,Do Time from Centric ,Centric ,Do Time,Centric Do Time,Do Time Centric
It usually starts with a melody in my head

What is your main inspiration?

Other creative artists.

What musician do you admire most and why?

Quincy Jones because of his ability to bring other musicians together.

Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career?

Absolutely. I started producing Hip-Hop only but have recently expanded.

Who do you see as your main competitor?


What are your interests outside of music?

Sports & traveling.

If it wasn’t a music career, what would you be doing?

Probably a veterinarian

What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music?

Finding the best way to promote as an independent artist.

If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be?

Control of the corporations

Why did you choose this as the title of this record?

That’s a question for CJae…LOL

What are your plans for the coming months?

Just to keep working on music and prepare for our full album release.

Do you have any artistic collaboration plans?

Not currently, but in the future for sure.

What message would you like to give to your fans?

Keep listening and stay inspired!

Mister Styx
Mister Styx
My name is Mister Styx and I'm a music blogger and an HVAC Engineer. I'm passionate about all kinds of music, from rock to hip-hop, Jazz, and Reggae as a matter of fact I am always eager to hear new sounds as music has no barrier, and I'm always looking for new sounds to explore. Hop on lets go fetch for some new sounds!

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