In an era where alternative rock has begun to mingle with other genres, Tony Jones's new single, "Never Get Enough," delivers a robust sound that sets itself apart from the musical crowd. Known for...
Gianni Bodo's "Le Silence" springs from the soil of muted incredulities, a force-fed feast of political platitudes surviving on the ghost-breath of heirloom ideologies....
The Sleepy Haunts aren't just another indie band - they're a revelation. Their latest single "Bloodsucker" is proof that magic happens when raw emotion...
Die Kammer's latest release, "Season V: Probably Forgotten. Probably Glorious.," is a work that transcends human experience and feeling. above all, this eleven-track opus...
Veana Negasi is a Ghanaian vocalist and songwriter, who specializes in Afrobeat and Afropop music.
In the context of her career as a young vocalist,...
Richard Akoto is a Ghanaian music blogger, website designer, writer, and the visionary founder and owner of Musicearshot. A dedicated voice in the indie...
One of Ghana’s leading male vocalists, Kasar, revealed in an interview on TV3’s “The Afternoon Show” the reason behind his switch from Gospel Music.
Celebrated USA-based Gospel artist, Eunice Asumadu, coming from Ghanaian roots, continues to make an impact on the gospel music scene with her soon to...
Renowned Ghanaian artist Kelvyn Boy took center stage and captivated attendees with an electrifying performance at the highly anticipated Duku Festival held on 7th...
Los Angeles-based virtual performer Mila Hayes, in collaboration with producer P. B. Kay, has launched her debut single "GRL PWR." Released January 7, 2025,...
Audra Watt's "Peppermint Condition" hits that sweet spot between holiday cheer and raw honesty that we rarely get in Christmas music. Recording at Nashville's...