The Daytime High”: Behind the Bold Debut Album of LA’s Rising Rock Trio

The LA music scene has a new rising star: The Daytime High. These three are becoming quite popular with the combination of hard rock, noise pop and what most people consider to be post-punk revival. The band was created in late 2022 and comprises of Micael Johansson on vocals and guitar, David James on bass and Rich Buckland on the drums and other instruments.

Their influences sound like a hall of fame of the rock titans – The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd. Still, musicians should not always be mistaken for a cover band. The Daytime High is for very few, but are trying to be an independent band and trying to find their own place in the world of music and they captured people’s attention with their debut self titled album which released on 13th September, 2024.

After the first song “Every Single Day” you know that this is not like any ordinary rock album. With many variable beats and easily singable tunes at its nucleus, it prepares for a lot of travelling musicality. “Waterfall” looks at the band’s poetic side, while “Driftin’” adds in a bit of country comfort. And if you’re in search of something more of a grand scale “Pandemonium” doesn’t disappoint when it comes to the build-up.

The appeal of The Daytime High is that despite being bland and generic, they also sound completely new and utterly recognisable all at the same time. Their singer is powerful, tough and lyrical and their rock melodies sound like nothing you’ve heard, at least not without a hint of the old traditional metal and progressive rock styles.

Luckily, we had a chance to surround the band members with questions regarding their first piece of work, the storiates of the songs, and what the future holds for a bright new star. Tune in for some great ideas from a band that should be on everyone’s radar.

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Releasing a self-titled album is a bold move. What made you decide to name the album *The Daytime High*?
We had several working titles but the artwork and the titles didn’t feel right so we decided to go with no title, or self-titled debut

How would you describe the overall sound and vibe of the album for those who haven’t heard it yet?
We should have something for most who like rock music, 60’s to now influences and with, hopefully, memorable moments, melodies, and hooks

Were there any specific themes or messages you wanted to convey through this album?
We deal with loss, heartbreak, alienation, and love with equal enthusiasm, all in a manner that uses humor and empowerment elements.

What was the songwriting process like for *The Daytime High*? Did it differ from how you’ve approached writing in the past?
We bring ideas together and then try to create a cohesive song that adds elements to be interesting to the listener. The singer (David on Driftin’ and Open Up, Micael on the rest) will write the lyrics.

Are there any standout tracks on the album that you feel really capture the essence of who *The Daytime High* is as a band?
It’s like picking your favorite child and it depends on mood but both Every Single Day and Never Good Enough, while sounding completely different, probably just about capture most of the essence.

How has the band’s dynamic evolved during the creation of this album? Did you experiment with any new instruments, sounds, or production techniques in this album?
We could have used more Cowbell (Every Single Day) and we did experiment with Mellotron, organs, strings, percussion, Nashville tuning, and synths

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind one of your favorite tracks from the album?
Again like picking a favorite child but today it’s History Man since it’s a rocking “stonesey” track that is upbeat.

Is there a central story or journey you want listeners to experience while listening to the album from start to finish?
There is always hope regardless of what happens as long as you keep getting back up.

What was the biggest challenge you faced while making this album, and how did you overcome it?
We faced technical difficulties and a fairly steep learning curve with the different solutions but we make music so it’s fun regardless of smaller mishaps

How do you translate the energy and emotion from the album into your live performances?**
We don’t play live yet, we are working on a solution to do so

With *The Daytime High* being out, what do you hope your fans take away from this body of work?
I would like for them to enjoy the ride and connect in some way with one, or more, of the songs and make this album their own

Do you have any plans for special releases, such as acoustic versions or remixes of tracks from the album?
We will record a few acoustic version for our fans over the next couple of months and release on YouTube

What’s next for *The Daytime High*? Can we expect a tour or more new music in the near future?
We are nine songs in to our next album so I would expect more releases in the very near future

Mister Styx
Mister Styx
My name is Mister Styx and I'm a music blogger and an HVAC Engineer. I'm passionate about all kinds of music, from rock to hip-hop, Jazz, and Reggae as a matter of fact I am always eager to hear new sounds as music has no barrier, and I'm always looking for new sounds to explore. Hop on lets go fetch for some new sounds!

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