Surviving the Struggle: How The Infinity Process is Thriving with ‘Embrace The Storm’

Toledo, Ohio’s The Infinity Process is making waves in the rock scene with their electrifying blend of hard rock and melodic metal. Their latest single, “Embrace The Storm,” showcases the dynamic trio’s ability to craft high-energy compositions that resonate with audiences.

Comprised of Kimberly Tingley on vocals, Jason Tingley on guitars and bass, and Brent Gfell on drums, The Infinity Process has forged a sound that’s both powerful and emotionally charged. “Embrace The Storm” stands as a testament to their musical prowess and personal resilience.

Born from Jason Tingley’s experience with double-level fusion surgery, the track is more than just a song—it’s an anthem of determination. The band’s trademark combination of heavy riffs, driving rhythms, and Kimberly’s soaring vocals perfectly captures the spirit of overcoming adversity.

In this exclusive interview, we delve into the story behind “Embrace The Storm” and explore its place within The Infinity Process’s evolving soundscape. We’ll uncover the creative processes that fuel this talented trio and discuss how their personal experiences shape their music.

One other thing I like about Embrace The Storm is the emotions that  were poured into the video, you can literally taste the emotions which were incorporated, from the lyrics to the crazy guitar riffs to the drums. Seeing everyone go hard is really inspiring, this is a great form of inspiration and message is relatable, I mean every age and sex can get something out of it.

Join us as we delve deeper into the lives of “The Infinity Process” to talk about their journey, the challenges they’ve faced, and what the future holds for this rising force in rock music.

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What’s the story behind “Embrace The Storm”? Can you tell us about its inspiration?
The main inspiration came from our guitarist undergoing double level fusion surgery last year, and watching everything he had to go through in order to be able to not only continue to play in our band, but also just enjoy life in general without being in constant pain. The more broad inspiration was just dealing with the general struggles that life tends to throw your way, and how you need to decide if you’re going to stand up and fight, or give up.

How does “Embrace The Storm” differ from your previous releases? Did you explore any new musical territories?
Musically, Embrace the Storm is more uptempo and energetic while lyrically a little more optimistic than some of our more recent releases. The irony of it, I guess, is that its actually about some of the darkest times in the band and things that could have possibly ended the band. As far as exploring new territory, we are always looking for subtle ways to make our sound more dynamic but not completely abandon who we are. This song, and our last song “Glitches” we experimented with deeper tuning, abandoning our pretty typical Drop D tuning for Drop B, and using baritone guitars.

The title sounds quite powerful. What message are you trying to convey with this song?
To revel and thrive in the chaos that life throws at you. Ultimately, there are two ways to respond to adversity. 1) You piss and moan and feel sorry for yourself or 2) you get off of your ass and get after it and write your own story. Are you going to have the ending written for you, or are you going to be the one writing the ending? Control the things that you have control over, and enjoy the ride while waiting for your opportunity for the things that you can’t change. It’s not a pity-party.

Were there any particular challenges you faced while creating this single?
Not while we were working on it. We were in a pretty good place while working on this song because it had been almost a year since we did anything due to the neck and nerve problems that Jason was having. So by the time we got back around to writing this song we were just stoked to even still be a band and that Jason was all good to go. We were pretty motivated, and it just kind of flowed.

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We were in a pretty good place while working on this song because it had been almost a year since we did anything due to the neck and nerve problems that Jason was having.

Are there any specific musical influences that shaped the sound of “Embrace The Storm”?
Nothing really obvious comes to mind. I know the three of us went to the Thrice “Artist in the Ambulance” 20 year album celebration concert last year and were all listening to that album quite a bit during this time. So maybe we were channeling a little bit of our inner early Thrice …ya know, ”All Thats Left” or “Stare at the Sun” kind of stuff. Who knows.

How does this single fit into The Infinity Process’s overall discography? Is it signaling a new direction for the band?
I think its just a continuation of a more textured and dynamic direction that we started a few years ago. We sort of regrouped during Covid when no one was playing shows, and I think we just felt a little stale at that time, and since the world was basically shut down for nearly two years we sort of took the rare opportunity to do nothing but focus on improving and we challenged ourselves to try to reinvent our sound a little at that time to include more layering, or more creativity in the dynamics, or structures and polish our sound a little more.

Is there a particular lyric or section of the song that you’re especially proud of?
I think for Kimberly and Jason, the first line of the chorus is pretty strong…”Sometimes you need the darkness to see the light”, not only is it one of the most consequential lines for the meaning of this song, but it’s a pretty loaded line. Jason and Kimberly would take walks together during Jason’s rehab from neck surgery, and it was a very reflective time full of deep, bonding talks. That line in the song actually comes directly from one of those walks. It’s very literal in how the line came together, but the metaphor landed so perfectly it was like almost cosmic, like once it was spoken, we instantly knew it was a lyric.

How do you think your fans will react to this new release?
We obviously hope it lands with them. We have played it a couple of times at shows before this release and everyone seems to love singing the “oohhhs” on the chorus and seem to have a great time with this song. We think the meaning is pretty relatable because there isn’t a person on Earth that won’t deal with adversity on an almost daily basis, and we appreciate the opportunity to put some level of optimism into the world right now. Musically, its high energy and translates well for live shows with the singable melody, but the visceral energy in the heavy parts so they will hopefully continue to love it live, as well. We are excited about this song so we hope they all dig it too.

Is “Embrace The Storm” part of an upcoming album or EP, or is it a standalone single?
We almost exclusively just space out singles these days. We try to just put quality over quantity and with the saturation of media anymore, we think it’s best to just not give anyone too much to consume all at once, and just want to keep putting out killer singles.

Looking ahead, what’s next for The Infinity Process after “Embrace The Storm”?
We have some shows booked throughout the rest of the year. We are opening for Shim from Sick Puppies in a couple of weeks here in Toledo, we have a headlining show booked at the end of the year, and we hit the road for an out of town show in November. We are also starting to put the finishing touches on a new song that we’d like to at least start testing out live at the end of the year to keep our setlist kinda fresh and interesting. We’re staying pretty busy and 2025 should be another big year for us, we hope.

Mister Styx
Mister Styx
My name is Mister Styx and I'm a music blogger and an HVAC Engineer. I'm passionate about all kinds of music, from rock to hip-hop, Jazz, and Reggae as a matter of fact I am always eager to hear new sounds as music has no barrier, and I'm always looking for new sounds to explore. Hop on lets go fetch for some new sounds!

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