Anthony Winters, a Philly-rooted solo artist… “Caviar Pancakes.” The title alone sets my brain on a low simmer. What even is that? A breakfast for the bewildered billionaire? It’s Alt Pop, supposedly, but the concept feels like it was hatched during a fever dream after watching too many Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.
The central message isn’t exactly subtle, is it? Winters isn’t holding back. It’s an all-out ode to excess, a sonic champagne supernova. Money is no object. Luxury and pleasure are the North Star, the guiding (and blinding) lights. There is a sort of gleeful abandon that is almost…charming? That’s unexpected.
Musically, It bounces, it grooves. It’s not exactly a kitchen-sink drama sonically; there’s restraint here, thankfully. But this is where I can discuss the lyrics a bit deeper. It is an interesting thing to build such opulent and wild lyrics. In essence it acts as almost a form of world building in that respect.
Do you ever find yourself staring at a Jackson Pollock painting and wondering if a cat walked across it? That’s kind of how I felt halfway through this, a delightful bewilderment, followed immediately with the question “Wait does it kind bang?”

I’m left wondering if the sonic palette will hold its initial interest after the shock of its brazen theme washes away.
And that extravagance… It feels like that moment in history when everyone decided gold leaf on food was a good idea. Why? Who decided that? Was it boredom? Was it genius? Perhaps both.
Anthony Winters has thrown down a shimmering, slightly confusing gauntlet. He’s dared us to not just listen, but to question our own relationship with… well, everything, really. Are we entertained, offended, or just plain hungry?
“Caviar Pancakes” is not merely background music; you engage with it whether you want to, or not.
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