Serena Foster’s new song “Silver Screen” is amazing and lovely, it sounds like popular music and you will enjoy it, especially the singing part which everyone can remember because of its catchy lyrics, and you can hear what they are saying right away so your attention goes to that part first.
The singing is amazing, going in different directions all at once. The video was made by OJ Baclig and designed creatively by Kate Orates about working through inside feelings and fighting against something seen as an “opponent”.
Serena wants it will help people who are at dealing with difficult things that dont seem right for a movie.
Silver Screen goes into a combo of Electro Pop and Alt Pop music. Serena was born in Los Angeles and has been making music for a long time. This new song has a moody-pop feeling and its tale shows that true life isn’t always as perfect as it appears on movie screens.
The sounds are like they came from a movie, making it feel scarier with their weird tones and powerful beats. Serena’s voice stands out, in Silver Screen, like a star applying under the light. “Silver Screen” is a mysterious and cool indie pop song you’d love to have on your playlist.
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