Love on the Road: Romain Swan and Romane Baudry’s Rock Romance

I recently got a chance to listen to ‘Bloody Business’ the most recent track in the record collection of Romain Swan and Romane Baudry and to be quite honest the track is very good. The fate of the two singers as a couple is also evident in this rock duet which proves the compatibility of the pair both on the stage and in real life.

Right from the beginning, any song features amazing guitar work complemented by an unceasing beat. It is noteworthy how perfectly Swan’s powerful deep and rather warm voice suits Baudry’s more sophisticated timbre. Together, they come up with a powerful yet surprising kind of sound.

The song describes a story of friendship that grows into affection, and that feels like it is being told in the music. But it’s not only about the words – the music itself is so meaningful, it seems to sing with the tale of connection and development. I was also able to view the said music video and the direction done by Frédéric Haury.

For instance, it has adopted the theme of Bonnie and Clyde, which also creates an extra visual appeal to the track. The heist storyline fits the song and its fast pacing quite well. One thing that I liked most about this creation of ‘Bloody Business’ is how steely part of rock selves, exists with the other parts of strength and renewal.

The chorus is particularly memorable or repeatable, and I was singing the melody even after turning off the record. In summary, Swan and Baudry have used all their musical prowess and talent to invite the listeners to a rock ballad filled with feeling.

In summary, fans of rock music with solid lyrics and powerful vocal performances should consider giving ‘Bloody Business’ a listen. It is a picture perfect for how personal experiences can metamorphose into great music for the masses.

Listen to Bloody Business ft. Romane Baudry

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What inspired the creation of “Bloody Business,” and how did the collaboration with Romane Baudry come about?
Regarding “Bloody Business”, the inspiration struck the afternoon after Romane and I returned from Majorca.

We lived a lot of bad things, we needed a break and then, we crafted this song, pouring in deep emotions and personal, nuanced references in the lyrics that carry significant meaning for both of us.

We both have strong personalities, and we channeled our combined energy into this song to cleanse ourselves of the hardships we’ve faced.

Concerning the collaboration, this really wasn’t the first time we worked together.

Indeed, I’ve known Romane since 2018, as she was a close friend of Oriane, my cousin and the bassist in my band. We initially brought her in as an extra for a music video where she wore a mask. Later, in 2021, she took on a more prominent role in another video, where she appeared without any disguise.

Two years after that, she directed the music video for “Call Me The Devil” featuring Samer Elnahhal (Ex Lordi – 2006 Eurovision Winners).

So, as a very talented actress and singer AND girlfriend, that was obvious to both of us to sing together.

Romain Swan out with Bloody Business ft. Romane ,Romain Swan releases Bloody Business ft. Romane ,Romain Swan with Bloody Business ft. Romane ,Romain Swan drops Bloody Business ft. Romane ,Bloody Business ft. Romane by Romain Swan ,Bloody Business ft. Romane from Romain Swan ,Romain Swan ,Bloody Business ft. Romane ,Romain Swan Bloody Business ft. Romane ,Bloody Business ft. Romane Romain Swan
Indeed, I’ve known Romane since 2018, as she was a close friend of Oriane, my cousin and the bassist in my band.

Can you tell us about the theme or story behind “Bloody Business”? What message are you trying to convey through this song?
“Bloody Business” is a song that dives into the themes of resilience, empowerment, and transformation. Like I said before, Romane and I wrote it shortly after a pivotal trip to Majorca, (Spain) where we both realized the need to move past the hardships we’d experienced in our personal lives.

The song is about taking control of your own narrative, facing challenges head-on, and turning adversity into strength. It’s infused with raw emotions and personal references that reflect our journey. The message is clear: no matter what life throws at you, it’s never too late to take charge, fight back, and carve out your own path.

How did you approach blending your musical style with Romane Baudry’s for this release? What was the creative process like?
Romane Baudry is the most rock’n’roll girl I’ve ever known before in every terms… and so do I.

We’re always sharing the same vision (or almost) and the creation process is feeding us each day of our lives for years now (we worked together on a lot of stuff before).

So, mixing the musical style of each other was pretty easy this way.

How did Romane Baudry’s involvement shape the final sound of “Bloody Business”? Were there any moments where her contributions brought something unexpected to the track?
Romane have a very specifical voice, this kind I love so much with a particular grain. When we rehearsed the song together, she tried some harmonics very interesting that we decided to keep for the final recording. Plus, her lead interpretation was pretty efficient. I’m so glad to sing with this incredible woman.

The title “Bloody Business” is quite evocative. What significance does it hold, and how does it tie into the overall vibe of the song?

Life is a business and a bloody one, definitely. It’s hard in a lot of topics and we have to experiment fight into each step of our existence. Furthermore, our respective character is very strong and we have together the intimate conviction that we have to be focus on what we want to walk through the different issues, disrespect included.

What was the most challenging aspect of creating “Bloody Business,” and how did you and Romane Baudry overcome it?

This is the very first time I assume my relationship in public. So, “Bloody Business” was a funny way to share the love Romane and I are in. Also, I think it was a snub to our previous life full of a lot of “relationshit”.

How has the reception been from your fans and the music community since the release of “Bloody Business”?
The reception to “Bloody Business” has been incredibly positive and uplifting. Fans have really connected with the energy and message of the song, sharing stories of how it resonates with their own experiences. It’s been amazing to see the song spark conversations about resilience and empowerment, which is exactly what we hoped for.

The music community has also shown a lot of support, with some great feedback on the production and the raw, authentic feel of the track. We also had a lot of demands for interviews and reviews, super cool news. !

Overall, the response has been more than we could have hoped for, and it’s inspired us to keep pushing forward with even more passion and creativity.

How does “Bloody Business” fit into your overall musical journey? Do you see it as a new direction or a continuation of your previous work?
I’m a rock singer involved in every kind of music after all. That’s the reason the pop rock song “Bloody Business” is, perflecty fit with my musical journey. I love so much to create this kind of music with powerful rock chorus and pop melodies. The match is perfect !

I like to work by exploring many styles, I continue to do pop rock, but I also do heavy metal music and why not touching the metalcore world. I swear to have no limit.

Mister Styx
Mister Styx
My name is Mister Styx and I'm a music blogger and an HVAC Engineer. I'm passionate about all kinds of music, from rock to hip-hop, Jazz, and Reggae as a matter of fact I am always eager to hear new sounds as music has no barrier, and I'm always looking for new sounds to explore. Hop on lets go fetch for some new sounds!

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