Love in the Age of Swipe Right: A Review of Joe Lington’s “SHE”

Imagine love as a vintage record store, full of dusty gems that are yet to be dug out; that is what Joe Lington curates on “SHE,” a sprawling 22-track exploration of modern love that feels like a rediscovery more than a debut.

Lington, an Irish R&B crooner with a feel for the unexpectedᅳthink singing in French and English, even Cameroonian!ᅳweaves a tapestry of really soulful melodies that shimmer with Sisqo and Keith Sweat influences. At the same time, though, it packages a bittersweet message. “SHE” is a lament for the fleeting connections of the digital age, a world where love has shrunk to the size of a quick swipe and a disposable bio.

Certainly, Lington doesn’t shy away from the metaphorical. One track stuttering drum beat feels like a first date, all nervous, and another with breathy vocals is redolent of the whispered intimacy of a secret shared between two people. There is a delightful sprinkling of whimsy throughoutᅳa saxophone solo that spirals skyward like a helium balloon, a bridge that dissolves into a jazz scat symphony and evokes a 3 a.m. party in a Parisian café.

Love in the Age of Swipe Right: A Review of Joe Lington's "SHE"
Love in the Age of Swipe Right: A Review of Joe Lington’s “SHE”

Long from itᅳ”SHE” is not all rainbows and unicorns. There’s a sense of overwhelm in the sheer track listing, and some lyrics bend toward the overly familiar. At its core, it makes an impassioned plea for something deeper: a yearning for love that goes beyond curated profiles and fleeting dopamine hits of the dating app era.

By the end, you are left with this weird mixture: nostalgia for when a mixtape or a letter written by hand made sense, coupled with a flutter of hope that maybe, just maybe, Lington will be able to make the embers of real love in today’s digital age flicker back into life once more. Is it a perfect record? Far from it. But is it a compelling listen? Without question. “SHE” reminds us that, within a culture capturing every move for the ‘gram, some thingsᅳlike genuine connectionᅳare worth holding on to.

Follow Joe Lington on Website, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter.

Chris The Blogger
Chris The Blogger
I'm Christian, a music blogger passionate about various genres from rock to hip-hop. I enjoy discovering new sounds and anime. When not writing about music, I indulge in chicken wings, follow tech trends, and design graphics. Thanks for visiting; I hope you enjoy my content!

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