Lifted By Chandra Is The Most Wholesome Thing you would watch Today

I recently stumbled upon this cool band from Bristol – do you know Chandra? They released a song recently titled ‘Lifted’ which curiously has been in my head all this week. Well, I first got to speak to the band’s frontman, Chandra Nair, and he is one of the humblest people you would ever come across.

From the concept of how they thought of “Lifted” to questions about what goes on in their minds as performers we covered it all. These guys have been busy lately, a lot of good stuff. Besides the jam called “Lifted”, they had a couple of other tracks that can be considered bangers, such as “Pretty” and “Smile
(No Fox Gibbon)”, despite the funny name of the song it is dope.

What strikes me about Chandra is it blends various styles of decoration and furniture pieces. Somehow they took alt-rock, added a pinch of pop-rock, a dash of indie, and it is something magic all together. Well, it’s one of those songs that gives you a good moral feeling, you understand.

Anyway, Chandra, the band in question, had some rock-solid things to say about their music and their direction. If you enjoy discovering new British artists or if you have the idealistic vision of musicians with sunny disposition, then you should probably watch our interview. I tell you, these fellows are heading straight for the stars!

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What is your stage name

Is there a story behind your stage name?
It’s my name! I went through many different phases of names… tried names based on clever marketing etc etc but in the end my songwriting centred on writing about things that I’d experienced myself so it made sense to just use my own name.

Where do you find inspiration?
Everyday struggles and breakthroughs. I used to think that the things I’ve been through and overcome in life were unique to me and nobody else would understand or be interested. But it turns out that us humans generally all go through very similar things and being able to sing about the light at the end of the tunnel is a universally understood and welcomed topic.

So I very simply write about my journeys safe in the knowledge that many people have experienced, are experiencing or will experience the same things.

What was the role of music in the early years of your life?
I think being surrounded my great melodies was really important for me. Carpenters and The Beatles were always playing… my mum was always singing… I was in the choir from a very young age. I remember I was really young when I got my first Casio keyboard that had the keys light up in order so you could learn to play along to songs such as Greensleeves and Rainy Days And Mondays by The Carpenters.

Are you from a musical or artistic family?
Not at all. Neither of my parents are artists or play musical instruments. Sometimes it’s just there I guess!

What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform?
R.E.M. 1995 Monster Tour at Milton Keynes Bowl. First gig I ever saw. Changed my life. I was always into music but it had never crossed my mind that you could do it for a living. But that gig changed my life and the next day and woke up and knew that all I wanted to do was be in a band.

How did you learn to sing/write/to play?
I could always sing… from as early as I can remember. So I’ve never learned to sing properly (and that’s probably why I’m not a brilliant technical singer) and I think I get through on the passion that’s in my vocals. Guitar… self-taught, starting the day after the R.E.M. gig. Luckily I’ve always had this ability to hear a melody, notes or chords and be able to replicate them.

Chandra out with Lifted,Chandra releases Lifted,Chandra with Lifted,Chandra drops Lifted,Lifted by Chandra,Lifted from Chandra,Chandra,Lifted,Chandra Lifted,Lifted Chandra
I could always sing… from as early as I can remember. So I’ve never learned to sing properly (and that’s probably why I’m not a brilliant technical singer)

How could you describe your music?
Let’s be honest; we write pop music that just happens to be written on guitars and played by a rock band. I come from an indie-rock teenage background so I will always have a rock edge at the forefront but cut me open and I bleed pop.

Describe your creative process.
Genuinely, there isn’t one. In go to sleep, I dream of a melody. It wakes me up. I just out of bed and record it on my phone (otherwise it will be gone by the time I wake up). I wake up and listen to it and the whole song is just there. Done. The lyrics take longer. I take a long time to hone lyrics because while I know what I want to say, it’s really important to me that the lyrics are perfect.

What is your main inspiration?
I picture people having an awesome time at a gig. The music is rocking their world but they go home with a really important, positive message in their head that makes them want to go away and have a brilliant week. That image is constantly at the forefront of my mind and if a song doesn’t do that it’s in the bin.

Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career?
Yes, massively. When I was a teenager I was massively influenced by Britpop: Suede, Radiohead, Mansun, Muse, Elastica etc etc. And so in my first band we basically sounded like Muse. And that was all good and well but over the years I decided that what I really wanted to do was write music that inspires people to be better… to be the best version of themselves.

So I’m writing music now that I wouldn’t have the balls to put out before. Young me would’ve been embarrassed to put out uplifting music. Older me doesn’t give a f**k about perception.

What are your interests outside of music?
I’m a big Gamer. Always have been. Always will be. I’m a big Nintendo fan. Legend of Zelda, Metroid Prime. That’s me all over.

If it wasn’t a music career, what would you be doing?
Video editing and special effects. I do a lot of that and it comes in really useful as we make most of our own video content!

What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music?
The music industry machine.

If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be?
Well, it’s the same in any industry these days but the pressure of needing to hit quarterly budgets and get an immediately return on investments means that there’s practically zero opportunity for the industry to discover something great anymore. I wasn’t born in tyat era but I think of the industry in the 60s and 70s as this hallowed era where discovery was everything. in 2024 it is the opposite I think. Beyoncé write a country song so all the music industry is interested in is country music. It’s just lazy. Music lovers deserve better than to be treated like robots.

Why did you choose this as the title of this project?
It’s really simple; the whole song is designed to lift you up and make you feel your best. The music, the lyrics, the video… it’s all written to help you have the best day.

What are your plans for the coming months?
Well we have lots of gigs coming up but the most exciting thing is that we’ll be releasing our debut EP REALLY soon. All the singles we’ve released so far as well as one new song. I really hope that the EP is like a tonic… 25 minutes of music that lifts and inspires you, and make you want to dance the day away and send good vibes out into the world.

And then we have a Christmas single coming! I love Christmas… if you listen to our most recent single…. Smile (No Fox Gibbon), Pretty, I’ll Be There, Lifted… I reckon you can get an idea of what a Christmas single might sound like!

What message would you like to give to your fans?
Just remember that we all have good days and we all have bad days. But whatever you’re going through, remember that you’re not alone and other opeople will have gone through it to. The fact that they are still standing shows that there is light at the end of the tunnel, even if you can’y see it. I’m not very good at talking to people but I think I’m better at writing songs that talk directly to people. So please listen to our music and I guarantee it will lift you up.

Mister Styx
Mister Styx
My name is Mister Styx and I'm a music blogger and an HVAC Engineer. I'm passionate about all kinds of music, from rock to hip-hop, Jazz, and Reggae as a matter of fact I am always eager to hear new sounds as music has no barrier, and I'm always looking for new sounds to explore. Hop on lets go fetch for some new sounds!
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