Kaiyah Mercedes’ single “How To Get Over You” crystallizes the smoke-wreathed aftermath of affection unrequited, with a sound as heartrending as it is still. Her voice coasts through the tune like silk over polished glass – pure and leisurely, yet fixed in its squeeze of heartache.
The path saunters gradually but decidedly into your awareness, reminiscent of those quiet moments when the monotonous noise of daily life withdraws to disclose the pulsating undercurrents of loss. Kaiyah brightens these emotional crevices with verse adeptness; each statement seems dipped in both affectionate recollection and cool acceptance of a passion unilateral.

Instrumentally subtle, “How To Get Over You” lays bare an emotive introspection that permits Mercedes’ formidable vocal endowment to own every inch of the sonic place. The relaxing rhythm underscores her search into post-breakup ennui – how routines become ghostly echoes haunting one’s trek onward.
There are tones here akin to Adele’s bluesy complaints or Norah Jones’ soft-spoken reflections on affection, tapping into universal experiences without succumbing to cliché. A listener might find parts that resonate in person—a line echoing old conversations or notes bending like remembered touches—forging a connection between artist and audience beyond simple empathy.
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