If Jetglo’s “Begin Again” were a Polaroid, it wouldn’t capture a sunny day; it’d be caught mid-throw, just before it hit the asphalt. This single is rough around the edges, like ripping through a tired notebook, and yet, somehow, it’s exactly the sort of tension you lean into.
Let’s talk about that heaviness. Where Jetglo once skimmed the top of sleek indie surfaces, this time they’ve piled on weight, letting their riffs clatter like something teetering on the brink, one chord away from snapping. It’s gritty—but not in the overdone, let’s-get-our-hands-dirty way. It’s like you walked through a damp alley and found yourself humming along to the hum of something broken. Their signature hooks, yes, they’re there. Only now, they’ve learned how much volume you can fit between harmonies—and what happens when you let them crash into each other.

“Begin Again” feels more like an emotional reboot than a second album teaser. Lyrically, it’s thick with that “dust yourself off, but then maybe question if you really want to” energy. The chorus digs in, hovering over the kind of self-doubt that knows it hasn’t been resolved yet. But that’s the charm, isn’t it? The irresolution. The track rejects clarity, refusing to tie everything up in a neat musical bow, and honestly, would we even trust that bow?
We get parallels—the way the Velvet Underground explored space between notes; Jetglo’s playing with something similar, though dirtier. There’s a catharsis here that doesn’t beg for retreat, but demands you stand in the wreckage a little longer.
In the end, “Begin Again” isn’t a restart. It’s a reintroduction—less handshake, more shattered glass.