One Leipziger, one Londoner and two Berliners make up the NewWave quartet Deltawelle based in Leipzig and Berlin. The band is expected to release their second single “Normalitätsvermessung” to premier the album
The music of DELTAWELLE transports you back in time and uses the appropriate phrases to convey internal conflicts and inconsistencies.
Normalitätsvermessung is the second song from the EP “Alles soll schön sein” which would be released in mid-February.
The sound of DELTAWELLE transports you to a timeless setting and finds the appropriate words to express internal conflicts and oppositions.
While doing so, the moods fluctuate from euphoria and melancholy, with a hint of self-irony and wit, all of which are incorporated into a sonic stew of new wave, indie, and a hint of funk. It does happen occasionally that one or more songs fail to locate their intended audience and lose themselves in kinetic dance routines.
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