Family, Harmony, and History: Inside The Immaculate Crows’ New Single

Hey, have you heard of The Immaculate Crows? They’re this cool indie rock band that’s been around since the 80s. Bruce Neilsen started the whole thing back in ’81 in Brisbane. They’ve gone through a ton of changes over the years – even broke up for a while in ’85. But get this:

Bruce got the band back together in 2019 with his old bandmate Mark Hocknell. Mark’s not in the picture anymore, but Bruce is still going strong, working with all these talented musicians and singers like KM Steele, Jessica Shipley, and Daphne Mae. Oh, and Bruce’s sister Carolyn is actually producing their stuff now.

What’s really awesome about The Immaculate Crows is how they mix up all these different styles – punk, new wave, psychedelic rock, you name it. And their lyrics? They’re not afraid to get into some heavy stuff, you know? Social issues and all that.

They just dropped a new single in February called “My Sister and Me.” It’s got this great vibe – harmonica, some bright keyboard parts, and these really sweet harmonies. It’s all about family bonds and stuff. Really shows how they can take these timeless themes and make them sound fresh.

I’ve been digging into an interview with Bruce where he talks about how he writes his songs, what inspired this new track, and what’s coming up next for the band. It’s pretty interesting stuff if you’re into that kind of thing.

Listen to My Sister And Me

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Congratulations on the release of “My Sister And Me”! How does it feel to finally share this new music with your fans?
It came out in February 2024 but I am always happy to get my music out there and share it with new and old listeners alike.

How does “My Sister And Me” fit into the overall narrative of your discography? Is it a continuation of previous themes or a new direction?
Neither really. I am always trying to keep my music fresh and avoid labelling. I write about anything that takes my interest or moves me in some way. Sometimes this is a real event, other times it is purely fictional.

The title “My Sister And Me” suggests a personal, familial connection. Can you elaborate on the story or relationship that inspired the lyrics?
Sam Wild was one of the first singers I worked with when I recommenced writing and recording in 2020. She mentioned that she had a younger sister who could also sing and this raised the possibility of a duet. This inspired me to write a song specifically for them to sing although it is not about Sam’s family situation.

The song was put on the backburner for a while as Sam’s life took her in a different direction. I then asked my second cousin Nicky Steel if she would like to do it and the rest is history. It was written over three years and Nicky did all vocals.

What message do you hope listeners take away from “My Sister And Me”?
Generally speaking, family ties are enduring and this song is a celebration of these special relationships.

How did you approach the songwriting process for “My Sister And Me”? Was it a collaborative effort or individual contributions?
I don’t collaborate with anyone. All songs released under my artist name The Immaculate Crows are fully written and arranged by me.

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Nicky Steel

How would you describe the sound and style of “My Sister And Me” compared to your previous work?
Before this release, I had released three other songs that could be called Alt Country, Alt Folk or Country Folk in sound and style. There was Can’t You Hear Me Crying(with Sam Wild on vocals), Business Girl(a duet between Melissa Stevens and Nicky Steel) and Broken Heart(all vocals by Nicky Steel). My Sister And Me is possibly the closest to pure Country and the first song to feature Piano Accordion(courtesy of Colleen South) with Nicky Steel doing all vocals.

How do you balance individual creative input with the collective vision of The Immaculate Crows?
The Immaculate Crows was originally a five piece guitar band I founded in November 1981 and disbanded around May 1985. Since I returned to writing and releasing music in 2020 The Immaculate Crows is essentially a loose collective of musicians and singers who perform on recordings of songs that I write, arrange and also play on and Carolyn Neilsen produces. Having said that all the singers I work with are unique and have their own style and sound which helps create a unique listening experience.

How do you think your fans will respond to the new single, and what do you hope they’ll take away from it?
I write in a lot of genres and most of the material on the first two albums was broadly what I would call Alternative but the last few releases have seen a big departure from this direction with some recent songs possibly being viewed as more mainstream which may have alienated some previous fans and some radio stations but I am hoping that listeners will persist with me and share my vision of breaking down rigid genre barriers and be open to more styles of music.

Will “My Sister And Me” be part of a larger project, such as an EP or album? If so, can you share any details?
Presently I have a ritualistic approach to releasing music. I release twelve songs and then put out an album with the same twelve songs on it. There are four songs currently in different stages of completion but once they are out the third album will be released with My Sister And Me on it. Lol.

What’s next for The Immaculate Crows? Any exciting collaborations or projects in the works?
I have been working with some exciting musicians lately and they will all be featured on the next album. Colleen South played Piano Accordion on My Sister And Me, her nephew Sam Ryan is a brilliant trumpeter and has played on I Get You, Same Old Blues and Waiting. Abraham is an exciting violin player and has already featured on Hiding From The Eyes Of The World and will also feature on an upcoming release Shylene.

Finally there is Jesse Carmona who has loads of experience and will be featured on saxophone and flute on two upcoming releases Short Changed and Struggle Street. I have worked out that I presently have enough quality songs to do two more albums after the third one comes out.

How will you be engaging with fans on social media to promote “My Sister And Me”?
My Sister And Me was released in February 2024 and I have already done what I could on social media to promote it. My focus presently is on finding more radion stations that are genre fluid so I can keep broadening the range and numbers of listeners for My Sister And Me and my other songs as well.
Bruce Neilsen

Mister Styx
Mister Styx
My name is Mister Styx and I'm a music blogger and an HVAC Engineer. I'm passionate about all kinds of music, from rock to hip-hop, Jazz, and Reggae as a matter of fact I am always eager to hear new sounds as music has no barrier, and I'm always looking for new sounds to explore. Hop on lets go fetch for some new sounds!

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