Exploring Rhythm And Soul With Dorian On Reconnected

Prepare yourself for an exclusive interview with Dorian, the revolutionary musician who makes his own rules in the industry. It is always refreshing to see musicians that produce just music but incorporate several emotions into their song. Dorian has proven beyond doubts he is an artist to look out for and his new track “Reconnected” is going to change your life.

I don’t think you could say that Dorian is simply an artist. His tracks are hard to describe and categorize, but once you hear them, you’ll never be able to forget them. A soulful singer whose words directly touch our heart, he composes song that linger in the minds of his listeners.

This is a great advantage for Dorian because it gives a new dimension to the word ‘reconnected. ’It is an upbeat pop song, more precisely a dance track which lyrics are about a person who is trying to get back to another person he knows.

I kid you not, you are going to hear this song on the radio and at every beach party this summer. For all the romantic souls out there who have felt the pangs of an absence, this song is the perfect one. Dorian’s been on a roll and has not looked back since he first came to prominence in 2019.

He’s released five killer tracks, and every single one of them by dropping boundaries of what music can be. Another track was ‘Reign Love’ that received more than 500 thousand plays; he has more than 2 million plays in total. The year before that, he even managed to take away “Artist of the Year” from ‘EnJOY The Mic’.

So Join us as we ask him everything from what goes on behind the scenes of his magic to how he gets his inspiration and what he is envisioning for the future. So make sure to put your headphones in, and let’s go behind the scenes to meet the man behind the music that everyone’s been buzzing about.


Listen to Reconnected below

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What is your stage name?
It’s simply my name, Dorian.

Is there a story behind your stage name?
It was given to me at birth by my Mother! Lol

Where do you find inspiration?
From my life, life happening around me, in my loved ones’ lives. I draw inspiration from it all.

What was the role of music in the early years of your life?
Music was always a safe space for me. Discovering so many artists and songs that I loved, I remember recording songs onto tape off of the radio, and making my own little mixes. I always enjoyed being creative in music. I sang in the children’s choir at my church as well. So music was always a deep part of my life.

Are you from a musical or artistic family?
There are quite a few artistic individuals in my family! Artists, writers, and a few of us who love singing. I grew up watching my Dad sing many lead songs in church and admired him in many ways.

Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry?
I’ve always dreamt of it as a child. I think fear held me back from realizing it was possible for me for so long.

How did you learn to sing/write/play?
I guess self-taught as far as singing; and also learning the basics of harmony, blending, things like that in my church’s children’s choir. Writing always came to me naturally, as does expressing myself, which is a blessing.

What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform?
My Aunt took me around my 15th birthday to see my favorite singer Monica. I was so excited because I spent years loving her and her music!

How would you describe your music?
It is personal, inspirational, heartfelt, authentic, soulful, and passionate! I think sonically it pulls inspiration from so many sounds and genres. But overall, it is rooted in Rhythm and Soul.

Describe your creative process.
I like to browse online and listen to beats to get inspired. I love checking out new talented producers who are dreamers like myself. So I first look for inspiration. But I have to be honest, I think my best songs are written when the inspiration comes to me. Sometimes it’s best to just let life happen!

What is your main inspiration?
Love. God’s Love.

What musician do you admire most and why?
Michael Jackson. He is simply the greatest. He personifies what it means to be an entertainer, a trailblazer, a humanitarian, and an inspirational icon. He touched millions of lives by being a vessel in music. I aspire to be that kind of artist.

Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career?
Most definitely. As I previously mentioned, I draw inspiration from my personal life. And my life has evolved and changed so much since I first started. I’ve grown and changed as a person and artist so much. I think my new album and single will be very reflective of that evolution.

Who do you see as your main competitor?
Myself. I can get in my own way. And I am praying to get better at dealing with my inner saboteurs!

What are your interests outside of music?
I love, love, love video games. One day I’d love to merge the two passions. I want to make music for video games one day.

If it wasn’t a music career, what would you be doing?
Acting, maybe another go at modeling, and some form of modern-day content creation. Lol

What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music?
I think the music industry from a systemic standpoint could most definitely use a complete overhaul. The creatives in the industry deserve so much more—equality in opportunities, fairness in pay and compensation, honesty in business dealings, boost in morale & morality, etc.

If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be?
Bring back the 90s vibes! Lol, that was a special time in music and life for me. I just wish we could go back to a time where musically, artistically, the bar was set so high. But, I do love that the TikTok generation is discovering the all-time classics and bringing them back into the algorithm, that’s so cool!

Why did you choose this as the title of this project?
“Reconnected” is the title of my single and album because it exemplifies all things me right now. Reconnecting with my purpose, fans, friends, family, myself, so many things! I ruptured my Achilles last year, so even my tendons have reconnected—lol. After taking some time off to heal and unplug, “Reconnected” is just so fitting.

What are your plans for the coming months?
Check out my music video for “Reconnected”, releasing 8/4. My album will be out later this year! I will be all throughout the DC, Maryland, and Virginia area promoting my music and performing. My podcast with Jeriel Harvey “Embracing Your Love Marks” is in its 2nd season, check that out! Check out my Linktree for all my socials, for more music, visuals, and creator content!


Do you have any artistic collaboration plans?
Check out the up-and-coming Wyte Off Da Come Up’s new summer sexy song “Early In The Morning” featuring me! It’s vibey.

What message would you like to give to your fans?
Thank you for the support! I love you and thank you. So much more in store!


Mister Styx
Mister Styxhttps://musicarenagh.com
My name is Mister Styx and I'm a music blogger and an HVAC Engineer. I'm passionate about all kinds of music, from rock to hip-hop, Jazz, and Reggae as a matter of fact I am always eager to hear new sounds as music has no barrier, and I'm always looking for new sounds to explore. Hop on lets go fetch for some new sounds!

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