
From Treble to Triumph: Cormac’s Transformation

Let’s talk about shedding skins. Snakes do it. So does Cormac, though his transformation, thankfully, involves less slime and scales. "The Joker & The...

Gianfranco Malorgio Ventures into the “Dark Night” with New Single

If Picasso had ever picked up a guitar in the damp ambience of a moonless alley, perhaps it would sound something like Gianfranco Malorgio's...

Soaring with Tim Camrose’s “Fly Again”

The act of flying without wings has been a persistent human dream for centuries. Not quite Icarus, but Tim Camrose—Manchester's own soul-stirrer—takes flight on...

Jarre Acoustique: NiMO’s Journey from Synths to Piano

I recently had the chance to dive into NiMO's latest album, "Jarre Acoustique," and it's quite an interesting project. NiMO, whose real name is...

charlieCityy Gets Real: “nothing, anymore”

If David Lynch's Eraserhead had soundtracked itself with a sonic hybrid of indie rock and hyperpop, it might have sounded a bit like charlieCityy's...

Rick Lee Vinson Group Explores Love and Independence in “Sept You”

If a tumbleweed ever had a soundtrack, it might sound a lot like “Sept You” from the Rick Lee Vinson Group. There's something about this...

“VENUS” by Oscar Eriyal: An Audacious Exploration of Sound and Self

Oscar Eriyal isn’t predicting the future of music—he’s bending time itself, pulling at seams where styles should clash, but somehow don’t. On "VENUS," his...

Navigating Life’s Crossroads with Tobias Arbo’s ‘YELLOW WOODS’

Ever heard of walking barefoot through dew-drenched grass? It’s unhurried, a little uncomfortable, yet oddly refreshing— ”YELLOW WOODS” by Tobias Arbo feels a lot...

“No Name Lane”: Rj Bacon’s Smooth Jazz Journey

Does Rj Bacon swim? That’s the question I keep asking myself as “No Name Lane” trickles coolly from my speakers like condensation down the...

Finding Your “Flex”: J. McKenna’s Ode to Self-Improvement

To speak of “Flex” by J. McKenna and not mention the ghost of Sisyphus feels almost negligent. But this isn't the ancient boulder-pusher’s track—this...

Alex Blocker’s “I Like It”: A Symphony of Simple Joys

Does anyone else feel like violin is the red wine of instruments? I swear, when Alex Blocker slides those strings through a track, something...

Candi Staton’s Disco Anthem: “Young Hearts Run Free”

Candi Staton’s "Young Hearts Run Free" is like scrubbing the grime off 1976 with a glitter-infused Brillo pad, looking right through the mirror and...

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