Beatz from L.E. Calls Us with ‘Sound of the Sirens’

I recently got a chance to talk to Beatz from L. E. – an interesting electronic music band originating from Leipzig, Germany. Their story is quite remarkable – after receiving a lot of recognition in the early 2000s under the name DRP, they left the scene for 20 years. Now, they are back with a fresh name and a new style that raises eyebrows here and there.

Their current single, Sound of the Sirens, is a perfect illustration of this new style. It is like a combination of their trance origin with aspects of new melodic techno and some drum & bass. There are catchy vocals on this track that will captivate your attention and kind of pull you in with this very airy kind of happy feeling that you cannot help but be a part of.

During the interview, I asked the pair about their work and the concept of the comeback. It was interesting to listen to what they had to say about their experiences of coming back to music production from a long time and how they are maneuvering themselves in this expansive realm of electronic music.

Maybe one of the most engaging discussions we had with them was about the ‘Sound of the Sirens. ’ They discussed how they tried to include modern elements from trance, but also how they tried to honour the roots of the band. Even the title itself with its reference to mythical siren calls contributes an extra layer of interest to the track’s idea.

As it is evident from the song Beatz from L. E. is not stagnating but are evolving, incorporating influences from previous work as well as the present times. Their path from DRP to their work presented here reflects the development of the two as artists.

For lovers of electronic music, especially for lovers of trance and its derivatives, Beatz from L. E. is a couple that deserves attention. The return of Avantgardner to the scene means getting wise experience, a new vision and, more essential, new and striking material.

Listen to Sound of the Sirens

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What inspired you to write “Sound of the Sirens”? Is there a particular story or message behind the track?
When we started working on the track, we used a plugin called “Siren” for the main melody. We came up with the idea that the track should sound like the sirens from the Odysseus saga calling you. With this idea in mind, we produced the track.

How would you describe the sound of this single to someone who hasn’t heard it before?
Sound of the Sirens is an energetic, infectious dance track that starts quietly and builds and builds. Just like the sirens, who first call slowly and then more and more strongly to lure the sailors with their beguiling song.

“Sound of the Sirens” is an intriguing title. Can you elaborate on its meaning and how it relates to the song?
We had described the idea of how the track should sound in the two previous questions, so the title was logical. In addition, the main melody is actually the sound of this Siren-plugin. In this respect, it was a perfect fit.

How does this single differ from or build on your previous work?
Our first releases as “Beatz from L.E.” were more techno oriented and a bit darker, sometimes with 303 acid lines and so on. With our earlier project, however, we mainly produced trance and the tracks we are currently working on are also more Trance or melodic techno.

Were there any particular challenges in the production of “Sound of the Sirens”?
Indeed there were. We finished developing the track relatively quickly, right up to the drop. But then we tried out a few variations and discarded them again until we had finished the version that has now become the final version. That took a lot of time and nerves :-). But we are now very happy and satisfied with the track.

Did you work with other artists or producers on this song? If so, how did that influence the final product?
No, there was no collaboration with other artists.

Are there any particular musical influences that shaped the sound of “Sound of the Sirens”?
We wanted to produce a track that starts a bit calmer. We had Chicane in our mind for the first part and how it developed over the first few minutes. In the end, we wanted it to sound like a classic trance track. There was no particular sound that inspired and influenced it.

What do you hope listeners take away from “Sound of the Sirens”?
We hope that listeners will listen to the whole track first. With today’s listening habits, it’s not a matter of course to listen to a track that’s almost 8 minutes long. And we want them to enjoy listening and going on our little musical journey. And if the track also works on the dancefloor, then that would be perfect.

How does this single fit into your broader artistic vision or upcoming projects?
The tracks we’re currently working on and offering to labels are mainly from the trance and melodic techno genres. So this fits in quite well after ‘Sound of the Sirens’ and also after our ‘Losing Love’ remix by Terry Golden & Jordan Grace, which was released on the same day as ‘Sound of the Sirens’. But we also have 1,2 things in the works for our side project ‘House from L.E.’.

What can fans expect from Beatz from L.E. in the near future?
We hope to release 2 more “Beatz from L.E.” tracks this year. Maybe we’ll also finalise a “House from L.E.” track and find a label for it.

If you had to describe “Sound of the Sirens” in three words, what would they be?
Melodic, powerful, Euphoric


Mister Styx
Mister Styx
My name is Mister Styx and I'm a music blogger and an HVAC Engineer. I'm passionate about all kinds of music, from rock to hip-hop, Jazz, and Reggae as a matter of fact I am always eager to hear new sounds as music has no barrier, and I'm always looking for new sounds to explore. Hop on lets go fetch for some new sounds!

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